Thursday, August 13, 2015

RWWDKWK II: It's Time To Look Up

I consider this to be THE most important message I have to share with everyone. There are many important issues we need to deal with, not only here in the United States, but in the world in general. It is my hope that my friends and especially my family spread this as much as possible. You owe it to your children and your children's children!

Just about everything in the mainstream news these days is a joke. Hillary, Ferguson - the list could go on. I remember when being a journalist was considered an honourable profession - think Carl Bernstein & Bob Woodward of The Washington Post. There doesn't seem to be very much of that these days; integrity in journalism has gone the way of Drive-In theaters!

In the 911 Truth Movement, there is a constant barrage from shills, trolls, and dis-info agents, some of them paid to derail intelligent discourses concerning the topic(s) at hand. It is difficult for the average Joe Public to do any actual investigation into the causes or background of the events that unfolded that glorious autumn Tuesday without knowing what would be possible under certain conditions. I am just one of many who believe that several entities of the U.S. government could and should be held accountable and brought to justice.

I have decided that this will not happen any time soon, just as we are still trying to figure out who is/was behind the Kennedy assassination.

The one common thread we can pull from this tapestry, this veil held over our eyes - is that the ones in power - most (if not all) of these psychopaths - is the little regard they have for us, their employers. To them we are nothing more than lab rats for them to do their little, evil experiments on. If things seem to be coming to a head, (and if they don't, you have not been paying attention) it is because more and more people are becoming aware; are waking from the stupor being imposed on us by these same overlords.

A lot of their machinations are actually done in the open, but they spin it to seem like something else. They are obliged (and don't ask me why) to give hints before major events. Do a search for "predictive programming" if you don't know or understand what I'm trying to get at. We learn of these, usually after the fact, but now knowing this, there are many looking out for possible future scenarios. They hide these in movies, TV shows, even in commercials, in what passes for our entertainment, and if you miss them, "oh well"!

In fact, recently Dick Cheney warned "Next Attack Will be Worse than 9/11". Being in the thick of 9-11, he would know. There are many theories afloat about what that may be, but in the long run events in place now seem to be leading us into a WW3! It seems crazy, but I remind you again that most of the elite in power are psychopaths.

In 1980, a little known monument was erected in Georgia known as The Georgia Guidestones. I wrote about this in what was to be the second installment in this series, and will probably be the third. For now, we'll simply look at the first of ten of the guidelines which is:
Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature." [emphasis mine]

I have to say, that a WW3 would be a good way to achieve a depopulation motive!

About twenty years ago, my attention was drawn to two things making the rounds on the Internet: one being the bright shining object in the sky in the vicinity of the sun; the second being "chemtrails". Initially, people (shills, trolls) tried passing these off as normal contrails. Well, normal contrails usually dissipate within a few seconds. Recently someone tried explaining that I was unaware of the causes of contrails , so misunderstood why they would or wouldn't be "visible". After explaining that I understood the basic difference between the two, the same individual tried telling me I was observing a "fuel dump", which I did not buy at all, but none-the-less felt obliged to investigate further.
"Although it sounds alarming, a fuel dump (officially known as fuel jettison) is a safe procedure -- and done for good reasons. And it's not as wasteful as it seems, either. Airlines find that fuel dumping can actually be cheaper than not dumping in certain circumstances. But it's not something pilots do on a routine basis. We spoke with Alison Duquette, spokesperson for the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), who assured us that it doesn't happen very often". [Emphasis mine]


Then I posted the following:
"The spraying is illegal according to international law and must be publicized and stopped."

Lastly, I was asked to provide any laws or regulation there were, since the previous link I posted was "only" a petition. So, I obliged.


U.S. Legal Code: US House of Representatives / TITLE 50, CHAPTER 32, Sec. 1520a: Restrictions on use of human subjects for testing of chemical or biological agents A. Prohibited activities - The Secretary of Defense may not conduct (directly or by contract) (1) any test or experiment involving the use of a chemical agent or biological agent on a civilian population; or (2) any other testing of a chemical agent or biological agent on human subjects.


Chemtrails are a Grave Crime Against Humanity, breaking Geneva Conventions governing environmental damage, attacks of an indiscriminate nature, biological and chemical attacks, genocide and environmental warfare. Specifically, methods ...that are intended or may be expected to cause widespread, long-term and severe damage to the environment are prohibited. (Protocol I, Art. 35, Sec. 3)

Biological experiments against civilians are prohibited and are considered grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions. (Convention IV, Art. 147)
Chemical and poison attacks are prohibited under the 1925 Geneva Protocol for the Prohibition of the Use of Asphyxiating, Poisonous or other Gases, and of Bacteriological Methods of Warfare.


Each Geneva Convention and Protocol spells out enforcement procedures.
To start with, each party to the Conventions must seek out violators and bring them to trial. (Convention I, Art. 49)
In addition, parties may request an independent inquiry and umpire to resolve disputes between parties. (Convention I, Art. 52)
This inquiry may take the form of an international fact-finding commission, as outlined in Protocol I, Art. 90.

I then ended this conversation by asking my antagonist why he was acting like a shill?
"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident." Arthur Schopenhauer

As soon as someone questions the "official" narrative, they are called conspiracy theorist. This is a term to somehow indicate that people "earning" this term are somehow, not quite right! We have been programed this way, much the same way that the myth of 9-11 was laid out on mainstream media before the first tower even fell, and although Bush (et al) denied any previous knowledge of these events, somehow CNN, ABC, and CBS knew to blame Osama bin Laden!

Then to confuse matters, four different pictures of Osama were shown, and two different spellings of his name were used. I wish I still had that information.

At long last, after denying "chemtrails" for so long, they no longer do, but you'll get further in your search if you substitute, Geo-engineering for chemtrails. Weather control has been rumoured since at least the 1940's but the first acknowledgment via the MSM that I'm aware of came during the 2008 Olympics: Weather Engineering in China! If you wonder why there is such a backlash against Monsanto, perhaps you need to ask why Monsanto has patents for chemtrail spraying? See: Monsanto Patents and Chemtrails

I offer up for your viewing the following video, I urge you to watch it in it's entirety to fully grasp what is happening, and how understand how it affects you  
The "official" story behind this madness, the spin is an attempt to slow or stop runaway global warming. But, is it? Really?

Here's another video:
Conspiracy Documentary 2015 GeoEngineering (This is a must watch)
Former Bush aide, John Wheeler, threatened to "blow the whistle" on these programs was found in a landfill 2 days later.

Related links:
We May Never Know How John Wheeler Died
The Mysterious Murder Of John P. Wheeler III Part One
John P. Wheeler III and The Mitre Corporation
"Second, there’s the Mitre Corporation. The Mitre Corporation was founded in 1958. According to C.W. Halligan, Mitre’s first president, this corporation provides “the objectivity and high technical competence necessary in the long-range planning, integration and design of electronic command and control systems.” [Source: The Mitre Corp.] It’s an admittedly vague description, but part of that might just be a consequence of summarizing Mitre’s activities in one sentence. The Mitre Corporation essentially attempts to solve big-picture technical challenges for various parts of the US government, such as the Department of Defense, the Federal Aviation Administration and the Internal Revenue Service. Mitre tackles a range of problems, including things like building “a universal bio-sensing platform” or mapping the growth of epidemics. According to his biography, Wheeler was a consultant for Mitre from 2009 to his passing.

Mitre has been described as one of the biggest companies you’ve never heard of — this group works with numerous government entities, and a lot of their work is on the cutting edge of technology and analysis. Think of something along the lines of DARPA or the RAND corporation. Given his experience and connections, it makes sense that Wheeler would find employment with an organization like this."

Sounds to me, the plot thickened!

Lastly, to drive home some important points:
Ken O'Keefe on the WAR AGENDA:
"All of these politicians are nothing more that puppets. They don't serve the people. There is no real democracy. They really serve the rich and powerful who run the world, and that would be the bankers who control the money supply. The bankers of course make huge amounts of money-- whether they made bad investments or not, wars are great for them. And ultimately they control the politicians.

And that is why we see these policies-- because Obama and Cameron are nothing more that puppets who read the script. And the script is 'we need another war'.-- And the reason we need another war, according to these psychopaths who are running the world, is because more and more people-- despite the clueless masses-- there is larger numbers of people around the world who are realizing the truth, and beginning to recapture the capacity to think for themselves. And they can see that these people who have been put into positions of public trust are defying that trust and representing an agenda which they could never speak about openly because they are nothing more than prostitutes, and nothing more than minions for the powers that be."
~ Ken O'Keefe

Don't let yourself feel somehow less deserving of the truth; don't allow the term "Conspiracy Theorist" be used negatively. New studies, claim the opposite! Studies: ‘Conspiracy theorists’ sane, while government dupes are crazy and hostile

Last post, I showed you how William Cooper warned of coming events on June 20, 2001. Within weeks following 9-11, he was dead. John P. Wheeler III wanted to blow the whistle. He is gone too. Eric Snowden is in hiding because he dared tell the truth and a highly decorated military officer is being harassed because he dared tell Congress the truth. Ten days before the assassination of John F. Kennedy, at Columbia University, Kennedy said:
"The high office of President has been used to foment a plot to destroy the American’s freedom, and before I leave office I must inform the citizen of his plight."

You are being slowly poisoned and you probably had no idea!
Now you do!

So, look out, ...and look up. See for yourself.

1 comment:

  1. I started a group on Facebook to discuss this issue:

